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First of all a few words about the group flags and their purpose and
It is possible to separate your addresses into groups and set the
different group flags for every address item. Let's say you're
using the first three (out of a maximum of eight) group flags and
you've named them Private, Business and Other (see Groups, for
more information).
Now you can set the Private flag to all private addresses, the
Business flag to all business related addresses and the Other flag
to all address that don't belong to any of these groups. Of
course, you may set more than one flag at a time, if an address is
a private one and business related as well, for example.
In the main window of the DFA-Editor you can select the groups you
would like to see within the address listview (or use the AREXX
command CHANGEGROUPS accordingly). If you want to see the private
and the business addresses, please activate both checkbox gadgets.
Please notice that all actions, as for instance printing and
searching is performed to the active (i.e. displayed) addresses
In the Groups window of the DFA-Preferences (cf. Groups) you may
set which kind of relation between the groups you like. If you
have activated more than one group at the same time (in the
example above Private and Other), you may select either the
relation via 'OR' or the relation via 'AND':
* via 'OR'
Every address that has at least one of the wanted flags set,
is displayed. If you activate Private and Other, all
addresses will be displayed that have either set the Private
or the Other flag or both flags.
* via 'AND'
Only those addresses are shown that have set at least the
groups you selected in the DFA-Editor main window. If the
Private and the Other flags are both set, only addresses will
be shown that have at least the Private and the Other flag
set; addresses that have set only one of these flags are not
Groups that don't have any group flags set, can be made visible by
deselecting all the group flags in the DFA-Editor main window
(i.e. all check boxes are "empty").
Lets shift to the settings that are possible here:
* Groups
This cycle gadget allows you to set the group (Group 1 through
Group 8) you want to modify.
* Title
The name of the group can be entered into this string gadget. The
desired keyboard shortcut has to be marked with a leading
underscore (_), for example:
Group _1 The group's name is Group 1, its
shortcut is the digit 1
Pri_vate Private is used for the group name, the
keyboard shortcut is the v
Other (_3) Other (3) is the group's name, the digit 3
its keyboard shortcut
Please notice:
Even if it is possible to use any keyboard shortcut you like,
as long as it is an "usual" letter, you should remember that
DFA does not check if the keyboard shortcut you enter is
unique within the DFA application. Therefore you have to make
sure by yourself that the keyboard shortcuts, you want to
use, are not already be used by other gadgets.
Please notice as well that the shortcut for the different
groups are not only used within the DFA-Editor main window,
but have to be unique in e.g. the DFA-Editor Edit window as
The shortcuts, which are guarantied to be unique within the
complete DFA application are the digits 1 through 8, which is
the default as well.
The length of the group titles is limited to 15 digits, to make
sure that no title overwrites the window contents and/or border.
* Group handling
This cycle gadget allows you to select the kind of relation of
several group flags (see above for details).
* Ok und Cancel
After you've hit Ok, the changes become active, if you hit Cancel
instead, all changes are lost.